Tuesday, May 27, 2008

DVCS (Mercurial) for Students

I just had a bit of an epiphany for yet another reason why distributed version control systems (DVCS) like Mercurial rock. In an advanced software engineering class (e.g., a capstone project), it would be appropriate to have project teams using a SCM/VCS tool. At my campus, we've never pushed that because it can be a pain to set up a server for students to access. Gotta have a dedicated host for it. Firewalls have to be open. Permissions and users have to be set up. Yada, yada, yada.

However, with a DVCS tool like Mercurial, it would be trivial and wouldn't require any networking at all. Students could use the modern equivalent of SneakerNet: ThumbNet. Put the whole repo on a thumb drive, meet up with your project partners, push and pull, done. Or, if the project is small enough - just email whole repos around. In this context, "distributed" also means you don't need any support from The Man, and that's a good thing.

For better or worse, I don't teach those classes, but if I did....


Friday, May 16, 2008

@Override is your friend

When Java 5 came out, I had my head down teaching and wasn't really paying attention. I've since started working with it and have been using annotations for "big" tasks like Hibernate/JPA metadata. I was pretty underwhelmed by @Override - one of the only stock annotations. When I implement toString, I know I'm overriding the method on Object. Who cares?

The other day I was beating my head into the desk trying to figure out why a Swing table wasn't editable. I had overridden the isCellEditable method on JTable, but the cells weren't editable. Then, I remembered something from the annoations tutorial I'd read at some point: "While it's not required ... it helps to prevent errors." So, I added @Override, and sure enough - I'd misspelled the method name, just the sort of error that @Override can prevent.

I've got the religion. And like any recent convert, I suggest you get it too.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Data Driven, my eye!

I've started using the WebTest web testing framework. Mostly, it's pretty cool. However, I have a bone to pick with screencast demonstrating the dataDriven task.

  1. There's a "slide" that says "Do you know the dataDriven Ant task?" I know of no such standard Ant task. It turns out that it's specific to WebTest. Not really clear.
  2. They show no configuration steps to use it, implying that it works out-of-the-box. I don't know if my environment is wacked (I installed from the developer build, as they suggested), but I had to add an Ant taskdef referring to com.canoo.ant.task.PropertyTableTask, and I only found that by looking in the source.
  3. The screencast shows running ant at the command line, which is how I've been running my tests, but I had to run their webtest script instead. Again, maybe my installation is wacked.
  4. I really wish it could handle data in a TSV/CSV/text file, since I don't have Excel installed on the machine where I'm running these tests, but it only seems to accept an xls file.
  5. Just to add insult to injury, Google Spreadsheet (which I'm using to generate the data file) seems to append a bunch of empty lines to my spreadsheet, which causes the dataDriven task to repeat the last line 90-odd times.
Charles - aka Cranky Pants.

OK, so it sucked to be me, but not any more. I figured out my various issues with the dataDriven task. It turns out that the screencast (clearly) shows them developing in the tests directory of a WebTest project. I missed that and tried to use dataDriven in the top-level build.xml in a target that didn't declare wt.defineTasks as a dependency. Guess what wt.defineTask does - yup, it does the taskdef.
I coupled that breakthrough with breaking down and using Excel to create the xls file (instead of exporting from Google) and viola - I'm livin' large and no longer cranky.


P.S. Apologies to Cheech and Chong.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Apple has released Java6 for the Mac, which I have been eagerly awaiting. However, their download page is a bit contradictory:

This is limited to 64-bit Intel macs (which is fine with me), but yet they still call it Universal. What's Universal about that? The only way I could imagine it being less universal is if it they specified a number of cores or CPU speed.

Anyway, Java6 is good stuff for those of us on Universal Core2 Duo iMacs.
