Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Monday, March 02, 2009

Does OpenOffice Base suck?

Is it just me, or does OpenOffice Base (the database tool in their suite) suck? Or maybe it just sucks on the Mac? Honestly, I'm not throwing bombs just to be a tool. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.

For some time I've been looking for a database tool along the lines of Access, but which runs on the Mac and possibly other platforms. It's not that I'm a big Access fan - I've only used it a time or two, but every now and then, I have a task that cries out to be implemented with a database. Creating a desktop application from scratch using something like Swing and JavaDB/Derby seems like overkill (not too mention, way too much work), but I've always thought that there should be a database tool that's based on Java (cross-platform) and some open-source database (e.g., Derby or SQLite).

On paper, Base is just that tool. I heard somewhere that it's written in Java, and I know that it uses HSQLDB, but can use any JDBC database. Looking through the interface it's got tables, forms, and reports. And OpenOffice runs on Macs, Windows, and Linux. Sounds perfect.

Here's just a short list of the issues I've had:
  • The first time I ran it, it crashed before I'd even defined any tables. D'oh!
  • Once, the UI locked up (no visible updates but the mouse still worked) while I was trying to add a List Box. I kept trying until it crashed. When it came back, I had a zillion List Boxes in the spot where I was adding them.
  • After removing the List Boxes, it crashed again. After restarting, the recovery process restored all those list boxes. I removed them all again, it crashed again, and they were all restored again.
  • Eventually, I removed the List Boxes, saved and quit. After restarting, the boxes were finally gone. This marked a new work pattern - save and quit every ~5 minutes. Sometimes, saving alone wasn't enough to prevent work from being lost.
  • The replace form control function crashed consistently enough for me to realize it doesn't work. This is a shame because the form wizard creates text boxes by default, which need to be converted. I had to add new controls, wire them up, remove the original text box, and move the new control into place - all while saving frequently.
  • It took me forever to get a List Box that wasn't tied to a database table or query - e.g., Gender can only be Male or Female (or Gelded on our farm). To do that, you have to turn off wizard mode.
  • There are various UI boogers on the Mac - e.g., list boxes are sometimes not quite tall enough so the text in the box is chopped when the list is not dropped down.
  • The documentation that I could find was minimal, at best. I realize that's a common complaint about open-source projects, but for something as big as OpenOffice, I expected more.
Anyway, it's so unusable, I don't think I can use it for my own personal purposes, let alone recommend it to clients. Quite a shame. I'm thinking to checking out FileMaker. It runs on both PCs and Macs, and it has a free 30 day trial.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jython talk at SJUG

Here are the slides of a talk I gave last February at the Salem Java Users Group - SJUG. Although it looks like it's primarily about Python and Jython, my bigger emphasis was on extension programming - scripting existing Java code. In other words, a form of polyglot programming.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Groovy at SJUG

On January 6th, I spoke at the Salem Java Users Group on Groovy. The premise was not to replace Java, but rather to show how it can be used in addition to Java. Here are the slides.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Increasing Memory for Ant

I had an issue today with the javac Ant task running out of memory when compiling a project (~800 files) under Java 6 on the Mac. It was fine under the default Java 5 compiler on the Mac, and it was fine under Java 6 on the PC. Initially, I set memoryMaximumSize on the javac task, which also required that fork be set.
This was OK, but since this was specific to compiling on the Mac, I figured the solution should be specific to my environment on the Mac. After looking at the source of the ant script, I realized that the ANT_OPTS variable could be set to contain an option (-Xmx512m) for the JRE running Ant, and that ANT_OPTS could be set from either ~/.antrc or ~/.ant/ant.conf. So, I created ~/.antrc with one line: ANT_OPTS=-DXmx512m.
(Update: oops, that should be ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m)
And it worked perfectly, of course - so simple it had to work.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Data Driven, my eye!

I've started using the WebTest web testing framework. Mostly, it's pretty cool. However, I have a bone to pick with screencast demonstrating the dataDriven task.

  1. There's a "slide" that says "Do you know the dataDriven Ant task?" I know of no such standard Ant task. It turns out that it's specific to WebTest. Not really clear.
  2. They show no configuration steps to use it, implying that it works out-of-the-box. I don't know if my environment is wacked (I installed from the developer build, as they suggested), but I had to add an Ant taskdef referring to com.canoo.ant.task.PropertyTableTask, and I only found that by looking in the source.
  3. The screencast shows running ant at the command line, which is how I've been running my tests, but I had to run their webtest script instead. Again, maybe my installation is wacked.
  4. I really wish it could handle data in a TSV/CSV/text file, since I don't have Excel installed on the machine where I'm running these tests, but it only seems to accept an xls file.
  5. Just to add insult to injury, Google Spreadsheet (which I'm using to generate the data file) seems to append a bunch of empty lines to my spreadsheet, which causes the dataDriven task to repeat the last line 90-odd times.
Charles - aka Cranky Pants.

OK, so it sucked to be me, but not any more. I figured out my various issues with the dataDriven task. It turns out that the screencast (clearly) shows them developing in the tests directory of a WebTest project. I missed that and tried to use dataDriven in the top-level build.xml in a target that didn't declare wt.defineTasks as a dependency. Guess what wt.defineTask does - yup, it does the taskdef.
I coupled that breakthrough with breaking down and using Excel to create the xls file (instead of exporting from Google) and viola - I'm livin' large and no longer cranky.


P.S. Apologies to Cheech and Chong.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Simply Mercurial

Mercurial is the easiest revision control system I've used, "and so can you" to quote Stephen Colbert. I became interested in the idea of a distributed SCM tool in order to keep my revision history with me while I'm on the road and not necessarily connected. I would have assumed that to get that power, the tool would be more complex - you can't get something for free, right? However, Mercurial is so easy to use, I'm using it for simple one-off revision needs.

Consider the case of a lone developer with a modest number of files to keep track of. To use Mercurial, all he needs to do change into the directory where the files are and run:hg init
That creates a repository, hidden in the .hg subdirectory, and sets the directory up as a working directory. The hg status command shows that none of the files is under control, yet. Running hg add * (or whatever subset of the files is appropriate) marks all of the files to be added to the repository. Finally, hg commit commits the files.

The real beauty was in that first step - hg init. That is so much easier than CVS or Subversion where you either have to create a new repository or figure out where in an existing repository you want to put these files. And it's easier than the dinosaurs, RCS and SCCS, where you have to set up subdirectories to hold the version files in every subdirectory - not to mention the fact that those tools don't really deal with multiple users.

Mercurial is about as simple as can be, and if you never work with multiple developers and passing changes around between developers and repositories, then it stays that simple. Period.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Complete example of __getattr_ in Python

I've always known about the _getattr_ function on classes in Python and how it could theoretically be used. However, I never had a real need to implement it, and so I had never actually implemented __getattr__. For whatever reason, it was a tad more difficult that I thought, so I figured I'd share an example with you'all.

In case you don't already know, the idea is that any time any code makes are reference to an attribute a class (e.g., obj.x ), __getattr__ gets called to fetch or compute the value of the attribute. This function can do almost anything, but you must be careful when making references to attributes, because that will trigger a recursive call to __getattr__.

In my case, I was writing some code for unit testing. I needed to create a mock object that's used to store configuration information for the system. In the real object, every configuration attribute is initialized from an ini file parsed by ConfigParser in the constructor. For testing, didn't want to have a huge configuration file for every test. So, I wanted to create a system that performed lazy initialization of the data attributes - i.e., only look in the ini file if we actually need a given item, and if the attribute is never referenced, we never need to fetch it from the ini file. Therefore, the ini file only needs the attributes that are actually used by a given test. Implementing __getattr__ is the way to hook into the process to provide this lazy initialization.

The basic outline/algorithm is:
  1. If the attribute already exists on self, return that value
  2. Fetch/compute the missing value
  3. Store the value on self for subsequent use
  4. Return the value
The key to making this work and avoiding infinite recursion is the __dict__ attribute, which is a (regular) dictionary, the keys of which are attributes that exist on the object and the values are the values of the attributes. We can access these keys and values without going through __getattr__, thus avoiding recursion.

def __getattr__(self, attrName):
if not self.__dict__.has_key(attrName):
value = self.fetchAttr(attrName) # computes the value
self.__dict__[attrName] = value
return self.__dict__[attrName]

It's pretty straightforward. In retrospect, I'm not sure what tripped me up when I first went to implement it. In the end, the fetchAttr function ended up being pretty fancy, but I'll write more about that later. You gotta love a dynamic language like Python that makes this as simple as it is, even if it does require a bunch of underscores.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Seven Habits of Effective Text Editing - with Vim

I'm a big fan of vim. It's the Unix vi editor with a large number of improvements. The biggest thing I like about it is that it runs pretty much everywhere - Unix/Linux, Mac, and Windows. Having a powerful, familiar editor on Windows was a huge technological leap forward for me when I spent a lot of time on Windows, and it's still very useful on those occasions when I'm "stuck" on Windows.

I recently stumbled across an old article (Nov 2002) from the creator of vim, Bram Moolenaar, that describes how to use vim more effectively. The big thing I learned from it is how to use ctrl-N to complete things like identifiers in programming languages - e.g., type "read" and it expands to "readlines" and offers you a list of other options in your program. Granted, this is old hat for fancy-ass IDEs like Eclipse and Netbeans, but I had no idea that little old vim had it. I guess that's what they mean by vim means "vi-improved."


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Flex: Sending Messages from Server-Side Java Code

I've been trying to figure out how to send messages from the depths of my Java application out to Flex clients. I'm not talking about messages that originate on a client, pass through the Java server, and then head back to the clients - that stuff is documented in the manual. I mean there is a process going on in the server that needs to send messages to the clients.

Of course, JMS and the JMS adapter would work, but I've been really leery of the complexity of JMS since it came out years ago. It has the advantage that it would allow my application to be separated from the Flex server, which would work well in terms of scaling. I may yet try JMS, but for the moment, I'm looking to avoid JMS.

So, I was thinking that writing a message service adapter would be the key. Adobe has a brief example of creating a custom Message Service adapter. It seems to be a complete example, but it left me with lots of questions. For example Message is an interface, which concrete class do we use? How do we construct it? What all can we do with the MessageService? What value are we returning from invoke?

After some digging around in the sample code, I came across a couple of Java classes associated with the dashboard sample application. So, I've taken the code from that example, paired it down a bit, and wrote a very simple, Soviet-style (butt-ass ugly but functional) Flex interface for it.

Below is the server-side Java code.

import java.util.*;
import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils;

public class FmsDateFeed
private static FeedThread thread;
public FmsDateFeed()
System.out.println("FmsDateFeed.ctor: " + this);

public static void main(String[] args)
FmsDateFeed feed = new FmsDateFeed();

public void toggle()
if (thread == null)
System.out.println("FmsDateFeed.toggle: starting...");
thread = new FeedThread();
System.out.println("FmsDateFeed.toggle: stopping...");
thread.running = false;
thread = null;
public static class FeedThread extends Thread
public boolean running = true;
public void run()
MessageBroker msgBroker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
String clientID = UUIDUtils.createUUID(false);
System.out.println(" msgBroker=" + msgBroker + ", clientID=" + clientID);

Random random = new Random();
while (running)
Date now = new Date();

AsyncMessage msg = new AsyncMessage();
HashMap body = new HashMap();
body.put("userId", "daemon");
body.put("msg", now.toString());
System.out.println("sending message: " + body);
msgBroker.routeMessageToService(msg, null);
long wait = random.nextInt(8000) + 3000;
System.out.println("sleeping: " + wait);
catch (InterruptedException e) { }

The toggle method is called from the client to turn the message stream on or off. When messages are turned on, a thread is created and the run method is called. It just loops creating Java Date objects and putting the String representation of the date into Flex messages - instances of AsynchMessage. The key for me was the routeMessageToService method on the MessageBroker class. When you have the class compiled, install the Java class file in samples/WEB_INF/classes.

The client is pretty simple, by comparison. It has two features: a button for turning the message stream on and off (via a RemoteObject call) and an event handler to process the incoming messages.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
public function initComp():void {
public function toggle():void {
public function messageHandler(event:MessageEvent):void {
var body:Object = event.message.body;
output.text += body.userId + ": " + body.msg + "\n";

<mx:RemoteObject id="feeder" destination="time_msgs">
<mx:method name="toggle"/>
<mx:Consumer id="consumer" destination="time_msgs" message="messageHandler(event)"/>

<mx:Button label="Toggle Date Feed" click="toggle()"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Output Message">
<mx:TextArea id="output" width="250" height="150" />

The interesting features are the configuration information for the RemoteObject and the message Consumer. These correspond to destinations configured on the server (see below). When the toggle button is pressed, we just call the toggle ActionScript method, which make a call on our RemoteObject, feeder; we don't care about a return value, which simplifies things.

We configure the Consumer to call our messageHandler method when new messages arrive. It just gets the message body and appends it to our text box. Install this file in somewhere in the samples directory - I created my own subdirectory for the dumb, little programs like this.

To configure the server, edit messaging-config.xml in samples/WEB-INF/flex and clone the destination for "dashboard_chat" and call the new version "time_msgs". You could change the Java and MXML to use the existing dashboard_chat destination (which is what I did initially), but a) you could end up with a conflict with the Flex demos, and b) writing to messaging-config.xml (or any of those other config files) is a convenient way to get the server to restart and see your new Java class.

Oh yeah, you also need to edit remoting-config.xml to contain a RemoteObject destination also called "time_msgs". (You could use separate names for the two destinations, and it would probably be less confusing, but I was too unimaginative.)

If all goes well, you should get messages with the current time showing up randomly in the Flash client.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Flex: The Second Simplest Example of RemoteObject

(Update: I wrote this some time ago, and I don't have access to the source code any more. Therefore, I can't send it to you. And, I don't know about newer versions of Flex.)

In a previous post, we developed what I claim to be the world's simplest example of using the RemoteObject facility in Flex 2 to invoke a method on a Java object using the RPC services. In that example, we just had a button on a Flash application that called a method on the server. All the method did was print a message. Although we passed a message into the server method, that message was hard-coded in the ActionScript, and no results were passed back.

In this post, we will build on that to pass some user data into the server and get a response back. In theory, this ought to be very simple: the user data just comes from an input box, and the result will just be displayed in a text box.

Java Code

Below is a simple function that you can add to the SimpleRemoteObject from the previous example:

public String echoMessage(String msg)
System.out.println("SimpleRemoteObject.echo: " + msg);
return "The RemoteObject says: " + msg;

As you can see, the method writes the message to the console (like before), and returns the message with a little text prepended to it. Pretty simple.

Flash Client

The user interface is pretty simple, and I just added it to the form in the previous example. We have a TextInput to enter data, a Button to invoke the method, and TextArea to display the result from the server.

<mx:FormItem label="Input Message">
<mx:TextInput id="input"/>
<mx:Button label="Echo Message" click="echoMessage()"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Output Message">
<mx:TextArea id="output"/>

So far, so good. The button calls an ActionScript method (echoMessage) to call the server - just like the previous example:

public function echoMessage():void {

We just get the text from the TextInput object (input) and call the method on the server. (Note that although I named the ActionScript method the same as the Java method - echoMessage - this isn't necessary; I'm just not creative enough to think of anything else.) But wait, something is missing: what about the message coming back from the server? Based on my experience with Java (and dozens of other languages), I would expect to see code that looks like:

output.text = remoteObj.echoMessage(input.text);

But, that's not how it works in Flash. Flash makes RPC calls asynchronously. This means that Flash doesn't wait for the result to come back from the server, and that's actually "a good thing." Without asynchronous server calls, the Flash client would hang during a (potentially long) server call, and that would be a bad thing.

OK, so how do we get the result back from the server? This introduces some additional complexity, but it's still tractable. It begins in the MXML to describe the server method:

<mx:method name="echoMessage" result="displayResponse(event)"/>

This says that when the echoMessage method on the Java server object is called, and the result arrives at some later time, the displayResponse ActionScript method will be called.

This method is pretty simple, too:

public function displayResponse(event:ResultEvent):void { = event.result;

That's all there is. Note that we don't even have to update the remoting-config.xml file on the server. This is because we are not creating a new destination; we're just using the same Java class - SimpleRemoteObject.

When you run the application in the browser, enter a message in the input area, click the button, and the response will eventually appear in the output area.

If you need the complete code, let me know - post a comment. At the moment, I'm too busy to put together a zip file and post it somewhere.


Flex: The World's Simplest Example of RemoteObject

Here is a very, very simple example of using the RemoteObject RPC services in Flex 2 to invoke methods on a Java object. I came up with this because I was struggling to figure out all the stuff needed to do this. In theory, it's pretty simple, but there are a number of components to deal with, and they all get put in different places on the server, and a bunch of those places look very similar to other places on the server.


It was especially difficult for me because I'm new to Flex, and I'm coming at it from a server-side background in Java. I don't care about making pretty user interfaces (that's someone else's job) - I'm the guy who has to make the server code work. However, most of the documentation assumes that you're coming at it from the other end - the client side.

I couldn't find any simple examples of using RPC in Flex 2.0. I foolishly started with Flex 1.5 example and wasted a bunch of time updating the syntax in it in order to get it to compile.

After I got that to compile (from the command line - I'm old school), it wouldn't run. After I got the Flash debugger working, I could see that the messaging destination didn't exist, but I couldn't figure out why. So far as I could tell, I had configured it correctly, but there was no indication that things were making it to the server. Finally, I gave up my command line and put the MXML file on the server, and just let the web-tier compiler do it for me.

And, it just worked! The documentation makes reference to using the SDK compiler versus the web-tier compiler, but it just didn't click with me. But, it was still more complicated than I needed. So, I created the following, to prove that I could do it, and that I knew all the voodoo needed.

I will assume that you have the Flex Data Services demo server with Jrun installed an running. I will specify all paths from the root of the jrun server.

Java Code

Let's start with the simplest function in a Java file - basically, "hello world."

public class SimpleRemoteObject
public void writeToConsole(String msg)
System.out.println("SimpleRemoteObject.write: " + msg);

This will just write a message to the server console window. (We don't even have to use any fancy Java logging.)

Compile that file and put the SimpleRemoteObject.class file in the directory jrun4/servers/default/samples/WEB-INF/classes on the server. (Note that since the class is in the unnamed, default package, we put the class file in classes, not a subdirectory.)

Flash Client

Now, we need a simple Flash app. Here's a simple MXML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
public function initApp():void {

public function writeToConsole():void {
remoteObj.writeToConsole("hello from Flash client");

<mx:RemoteObject id="remoteObj" destination="sro">
<mx:method name="writeToConsole"/>

<mx:Button label="Write To Server Console" click="writeToConsole()"/>

Create a directory called sro under jrun4/servers/default/samples and put the MXML file there.

Now, we can compile the file by loading it in the browser with a URL like:
(The key is that the file is under /samples/sro based on where we copied the file.)

Don't click the button yet! We still have to configure the FMS destination. Just make sure it compiles correctly.

Configure the Server

Add the following XML code to jrun4/servers/default/samples/WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml. Just put it within the service tag for the remoting-service - e.g., near one of the other FMS destinations.

<destination id="sro">

And now, if you press the "Write to Server Console" button, the message, "hello from Flash client" will appear in the Jrun server window.

That's it. It really is as easy as Adobe says it is...
once you figure it all out.
