Saturday, February 02, 2008

Complete example of __getattr_ in Python

I've always known about the _getattr_ function on classes in Python and how it could theoretically be used. However, I never had a real need to implement it, and so I had never actually implemented __getattr__. For whatever reason, it was a tad more difficult that I thought, so I figured I'd share an example with you'all.

In case you don't already know, the idea is that any time any code makes are reference to an attribute a class (e.g., obj.x ), __getattr__ gets called to fetch or compute the value of the attribute. This function can do almost anything, but you must be careful when making references to attributes, because that will trigger a recursive call to __getattr__.

In my case, I was writing some code for unit testing. I needed to create a mock object that's used to store configuration information for the system. In the real object, every configuration attribute is initialized from an ini file parsed by ConfigParser in the constructor. For testing, didn't want to have a huge configuration file for every test. So, I wanted to create a system that performed lazy initialization of the data attributes - i.e., only look in the ini file if we actually need a given item, and if the attribute is never referenced, we never need to fetch it from the ini file. Therefore, the ini file only needs the attributes that are actually used by a given test. Implementing __getattr__ is the way to hook into the process to provide this lazy initialization.

The basic outline/algorithm is:
  1. If the attribute already exists on self, return that value
  2. Fetch/compute the missing value
  3. Store the value on self for subsequent use
  4. Return the value
The key to making this work and avoiding infinite recursion is the __dict__ attribute, which is a (regular) dictionary, the keys of which are attributes that exist on the object and the values are the values of the attributes. We can access these keys and values without going through __getattr__, thus avoiding recursion.

def __getattr__(self, attrName):
if not self.__dict__.has_key(attrName):
value = self.fetchAttr(attrName) # computes the value
self.__dict__[attrName] = value
return self.__dict__[attrName]

It's pretty straightforward. In retrospect, I'm not sure what tripped me up when I first went to implement it. In the end, the fetchAttr function ended up being pretty fancy, but I'll write more about that later. You gotta love a dynamic language like Python that makes this as simple as it is, even if it does require a bunch of underscores.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Remove Office on Mac sux

The Remove Office program that comes with the trial version of Microsoft Office just sucks. The two times I've used it, it's failed. The first time, I had my old iMac connected via Firewire (target disk mode) to my new iMac. I ran Remove Office on the new iMac to remove the trial version, and it removed the non-trial version on my old iMac - without even asking me which version to remove. Now, on my new MacBook, I tried running Remove Office (without any other computers connected), and it couldn't find the trial version to remove - never mind the fact that I was running Remove Office from the folder containing Office.

My advice to anyone is to just use 'rm -r' from the Terminal window. If you just drag it to the trash (without emptying the trash), the trail version will keep launching.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Exporting from ExamView to Moodle

I've just started using Moodle for a course (more on that later), and I wanted to import some questions I wrote using ExamView into Moodle. Although our version of Moodle (1.8?) suggests that it can import EvamView questions, it failed for me. I came across this post that suggests that it isn't even supported - at least not by the company that makes ExamView. Based on that post, here's what I ended up doing:
  1. From ExamView Pro (version 4.0.8) export as Blackboard 5.x, which is a zip file.
  2. Unzip the zip file.
  3. Import the .dat file into Moodle as a Blackboard, not Blackboard V6+
(And, all of this is made more complicated by the fact that I've basically abandoned the PC for the Mac, and I only have a version of ExamView for the PC. Praise be to VMware for Fusion.)

There may be a simpler way to do this, but it works, which is all that matters right now. It would be swell if I could automate the process...


Friday, October 12, 2007

Subersion on the Mac

If you've ever used Subversion (SVN) on Windows, chances are you've used TortiseSVN. (If you haven't, definitely check it out.) It works as an extension to Windows Explorer. What this means, is that you don't have a separate UI for SVN - you do everything in Explorer. I was really struck by how cool this was when I was working on an old project using an old version of Perforce; it seemed barbaric to have to keep switching between the SCM UI and Explorer.

Until recently, there wasn't anything like that for the Mac, at least not anything that was free/open source and that I knew about. Then, along comes SCPlugin. From the web page: "The goal of the SCPlugin project is to integrate Subversion into the Mac OS X Finder. The inspiration for this project came from the TortoiseSVN project."

As of this writing, it's at version 0.7, which means it has a few rough spots, but for the light use I've put it to so far, it's been mostly pretty good. And since it's 0.7, it has nowhere to go but up.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Seven Habits of Effective Text Editing - with Vim

I'm a big fan of vim. It's the Unix vi editor with a large number of improvements. The biggest thing I like about it is that it runs pretty much everywhere - Unix/Linux, Mac, and Windows. Having a powerful, familiar editor on Windows was a huge technological leap forward for me when I spent a lot of time on Windows, and it's still very useful on those occasions when I'm "stuck" on Windows.

I recently stumbled across an old article (Nov 2002) from the creator of vim, Bram Moolenaar, that describes how to use vim more effectively. The big thing I learned from it is how to use ctrl-N to complete things like identifiers in programming languages - e.g., type "read" and it expands to "readlines" and offers you a list of other options in your program. Granted, this is old hat for fancy-ass IDEs like Eclipse and Netbeans, but I had no idea that little old vim had it. I guess that's what they mean by vim means "vi-improved."


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Very non-intuitive error message from SVN

I just got the following error message out of Subversion (on the command line under Linux):

sh: ./svn-commit.tmp: Permission denied
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: system(' svn-commit.tmp') returned 32256

It sounds like a file permission problem, but I couldn't find any problems - I was working in my own directory that I checked out of SVN. I ran strace to see what was going on, and right about the time that the Shinola hit the fan, I could see that it was trying to fire up an editor for the check-in comment. I looked, and I did not have the EDITOR environment variable set. Once I set it, it worked fine.

Let's see, "Permisssion denied" means that an environment variable was not set. Sure, that makes sense - NOT.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Getting Maxtor OneTouch III to work on MacTel

I recently bought a Maxtor (or is it Seagate?) OneTouch III external hard drive. It's a pretty sweet drive, maybe a bit big and noisy, but perfect for my needs - backing up my systems. One really nice thing is that it's totally Mac-centric: it ships preformatted with HFS+, it supports Firewire 400 and 800 (nice with the new iMac), and it includes Retrospect Express backup software, which originated on the Mac, as I recall.

It include a button on the front that you can program to do various things, the most obvious being to initiate a backup. But it didn't work; I'd push the button and nothing would happen. After poking around, I found this update for Intel Macs. After installing it (and rebooting), it works like a charm.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's in an OS X Package (.pkg) file?

I recently had occasion to figure out how packages work on OS X. This isn't an extensive treatise on the subject, and I didn't bother to look for any docs. This is just some poking around I did in the Finder and mostly in Terminal.

The original motivation was that I wanted to uninstall a package that I'd installed. The package file is Subversion-1.4.4.pkg. The first thing I learned is that packages are another case where a directory (aka folder) shows up as a single file in the Finder. You can see the contents in the Finder by control-clicking on the package file and selecting Show Package Contents. The Finder opens up a new window (just like any other folder).

All I see in my package is a folder called Contents. Within that folder, is a file called Archive.pax.gz, which is a compressed pax archive. Pax is an archive program like tar and cpio. (Actually, it's an experiment on genetic engineering - in order to "solve" the tar vs. cpio wars, they merged the two and called it pax, Latin for peace.) The pax archive was subsequently compressed with gzip - hence the gz extension.

Too see what's in the archive, we need to decompress it and get pax to print a listing of the contents. I did this as follows, although there are other ways to skin this cat:

cd /tmp
gzip -d < Subversion-1.4.4.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -v

(Pax contains an option to do decompression, but I'm too old fashion.) Note that I redirect the compressed archive into gzip. I did this because I wanted to leave the archive compressed. I could have decompressed the archive and then ran pax on that, but I wanted to leave the entire package unharmed. The first bit of the output looks like:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1664424 Jun 22 23:57 ./usr/local/bin/svnadmin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1571744 Jun 22 23:57 ./usr/local/bin/svndumpfilter
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1664612 Jun 22 23:57 ./usr/local/bin/svnlook

So, we can see that these are the files that got installed (in /usr/local). One nice thing to note is that the path names are all relative - they begin with "./" rather than just "/". This means the files can be installed anywhere - change into a directory, extract the archive, and the files will show up in a directory called usr/local below your current directory.

How can I use all of this to uninstall these files? Again, there are many ways to skin the cat, but here's what I did. I extracted the archive to /tmp. ("I thought you wanted to remove the files. Why are you extracting them again?" Patience, my friend.)

cd /tmp
gzip -d < Subversion-1.4.4.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r

This creates all of the files, but under /tmp - e.g., /tmp/usr/local/bin/svnadmin. I can now use find to get me a list of just the files:

find usr -type f -print > /tmp/fff

I then looked through the file names in /tmp/fff, and they made sense, so I removed them all.

sudo rm -i `cat /tmp/fff`

The sudo command was needed because the files were not owned by my user ID. The package installer asked for the administrator password and installed the files owned by root (as I recall). Of course, I could have avoiding "installing" the files in /tmp by running the output of pax -v through some awk or perl, but the archive was small, and I knew the options to find off the top of my head - I would have had to look up some awk or perl, since I don't use them that often any more.


P.S. This post almost never was: Blogger mangled the fonts repeatedly, and I almost gave up on it. Stupid JavaScript HTML editors!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Everything I Know About Business I Learned from My Mama

Everything I Know About Business I Learned from My Mama by Tim Knox is nominally a business book. However, it is certainly not your typical business book. The author doesn't tell you what corporate structure (e.g., LLC vs. S-Corp) is best, how to keep the books, or how to manage a Fortune 500 company. Rather, this is a bigger picture view of going into business for yourself. Tim Knox is all about entrepreneurship.

Although this book isn't really a how-to manual with lots of nuts-and-bolts details. It would be a really good book for someone who is thinking of going into business for himself. It even begins with a bunch of reasons why someone shouldn't go into business. If after reading the book, someone still wanted to go into business, he should probably read a few more books before jumping in. (The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It is next on my list to read.)

The book is pretty short and humorous, and the chapters are nice little bite-sized chunks. Here's an attempt as his sense of humor: this would be a great book to keep next to the toilet - each chapter is about one visit long. (I have a special place in my heart for books like that.) I suspect the book was easy for Tim to write since he's been writing newspaper articles for some time. I can easily imagine that many of the chapters are extensions of articles he wrote for the paper, bless his heart.

One minor nit I could pick with the title is that there isn't all that much mention of stuff his mama told him. Rather, there's a fair amount of common sense that one's mother might impart.

I bought this book because I've been listening to Tim on Dan Miller's radio show - see Dan is a career coach and wrote the book 48 Days to the Work You Love. The two of them spend a lot of time telling people to quit jobs they hate and move towards work they love. The radio show recently ended, and they've switched to an Internet format. The radio shows and the new Internet shows are available as podcasts.


Roomba Rants

I recently started using my (comparatively old) Roomba again, and I've been reminded of my chief complaint about Roomba: it gets dirty and needs to be cleaned.

Our house is a regular petting zoo, so stuff accumulates pretty quickly. This fills up the bin, which isn't so bad because emptying the bin is quick and easy. But the human hair and pet fur fowls the brush, and that takes some serious effort to clean. I suppose the Roomba for pets (which appears to be discontinued) addresses this with a brush that is comparatively easy to clean.

And then last night I discovered a new place to clean: the side sweeper brush. That thing was totally fowled (not surprising considering I just discovered that I needed to clean it - "read all the words"), and it took me 10 to 15 minutes with my pocket knife and tweezers.

I find it ironic that a cleaning tool requires a non-trivial amount of cleaning. Perhaps if I kept up with regular vacuuming, Roomba wouldn't get so overwhelmed by crap.

Finally, the reason I'm just getting back to using Roomba is that I just got a new battery after killing the old one some time ago. It turns out managing batteries with Roomba is a bit different than other devices I've used. Typically, I run devices down and recharge them. If I don't have an immediate use, I'd leave the device uncharged. Well, Roomba keeps discharging the battery even if it's not in use. And if you do that to a battery that's already low, it deeply discharges the battery - definitely not A Good Thing. I noticed the discharging thing: sometimes when I'd charge the battery and not use Roomba immediately, the battery would be low when I went to use it. So, Roomba prefers being left on the charger, even if you're not using it, which is something I tend to avoid with other devices. Anyway, the result was that I only got ~50 cycles out of the original battery - not good. The recording on Roomba's tech support tells you if you're not using the unit anytime soon, you should take the battery out. Fortunately, it's easy to install and remove the battery - e.g., no screws required.

Don't get me wrong: Roomba is still fun to use, and I did just put down more money for a new battery. So, I will continue to use it. It's just not as carefree and easy as I'd like to see it.
